Truely man is the king of beasts, for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others: we are burial places! I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look on the murder of animals as they now look on the murder of men. ~Leonardo da Vinci (Italian painter)
I like this Leonardo da Vinci's quote about vegetarianism. You might be interested in his painting, but you might not be interested in his consideration of animals. He expressed man as the king of beasts. It's true. I learned in school that we must protect who are in weak position. I like his expression "we are burial places!". Once we eat meat, and the meat we ate stacks in our intrails and it compose our skin, bone, and hairs. Don't you think it's cruel that we live by the death of others?
Be Veg, Go Green 2 Save Our Planet
Vegetarian diet saves our planet. Choose it right now!
2011년 6월 3일 금요일
2011년 5월 28일 토요일
- Philosopher, spiritual leader
There were a lot of famous people in the past. You might be surprised at the fact that someone above was a vegetrain you know. There exists a certain reason why they decided to become a vegetarian. They realized that meat consumption was awful.
For example, Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi said "A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral."- On Civil Disobedience.
Also pythagoras said "Alas, what wickedness to swallow flesh into our own flesh, to fatten our greedy bodies by cramming in other bodies, to have one living creature fed by the death of another! In the midst of such wealth as earth, the best of mothers, provides, nothing forsooth satisfies you, but to behave like the Cyclopes, inflicting sorry wounds with cruel teeth! You cannot appease the hungry cravings of your wicked, gluttonous stomachs except by destroying some other life." - Depicted in : The Metamorphoses, translated by Mary M.Innes.
As they said it, it is apparently true, and we should aceept the idea and practice it. MEAT CONSUMPTION was being warned since before christ, but most of you don't practice because of your greed. Be empty your mind and consider about meat consumption over and over again until you can understand it so that you can become a vegetarian.
2011년 5월 21일 토요일
- To decrease the substantial threat of a global epidemic caused by bird flu,
- To escape from the danger of mad cow disease and PMWS syndrome,
- To prevent the cruel slaughter of bird friends, sea animals and our lovely livestocks who is sacrificed billions a day,
- Vegan diet is health
- Vegan diet is economic
- Vegan diet is protection of the environment
- Vegan diet is mercy
- Vegan diet is peace
- Vegan diet is sublime

Live a long life!

Thank you for giving mercy to me
2011년 5월 15일 일요일
"We Pray for You"
Please Save Our Life!
We Love You
Examples of foods which save life and are abundant in nutrient :
TOFU (raw material : beans) : 16% (protein content)
GLUTEN (raw material : wheat flour) : 70% (protein content)
CORN : 13% (protein content)
RICE : 8.6% (protein content)
BEAN, KIDNEY BEAN, CHICKPEA, LENTIL, ETC : 10 - 35% (protein content)
ALMOND, WALNUT, CASHEW NUT, HAZELNUT, PINE NUT, ETC : 14 - 30% (protein content)
PUMPKIN SEED, SESAME, SUNFLOWER SEE, ETC : 18 - 24% (protein content)
- Even if you eat enriched multiple vitamins, you can intake throughout vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
- Vegetables and fruits are abundant to vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants ingredients, and they have a good fibroid material so it is good for keeping health and longevity.
- Recommended protein allowanace a day : 50g (standard of general grown-up)
- Vegetable calcium's absorption force is more better than milk calcium's.
2011년 5월 2일 월요일
Einstein who had a more higher proportion of glia cells than the average male brain
A scientist who had analyzed one part of Einstein's brain that was keeping in statement of several hundreds divided sections, found that Einstein's brain has very much glia cells than the ordinary person's.
In case of a vertebrate like a human, a film of fat forms in neuron's axon circumstance so that it can deliver collected informations from outside without any hindrances, and the film which is called myelin is made made from the glia cell winding round its axon. In case of a shrimp which has no myelin, its nerve velocity of propagation is only a 1.2m / s, but in case of a human's, it is 120m / s which is relevant to 100 times than shrimp's.

A vegetarian scientist Albert Einstein

A vegetarian scientist Albert Einstein
2011년 4월 24일 일요일
If you do 'a vegan diet', then your 'head' will be better
Glia Cell which plays a big role in the brain cell
A brain cell is called that consists of two different kinds. One-thousand 'neuron(nerve cell)', and 'glia cell(spongiocyte)' which provides nutrition to nerve cell and helps it to play a its own role.
Neuron consists of 'soma' which a cell nucleus is in, 'dendrite' which puts out two thousand to two hundred thousand branches from a cell body, and 'axon' which seems like a long raceway - it consists of three parts.
Figuratively speaking, if a soccer ball in the soccer field is a cell body, then it is 'dendrite' that puts out its two thousand to two hundred thousand branches to the edge of the field, and you can see it as 'axon' which seems like a tube wire line of 2~3 km. One nerve cell connects with several thousand to two hundred thousand different nerve cells, but the connector that is called synapse is created and destroyed very quickly by experience and study. Spongiocyte(glia cell) which has nerves 10times more than neuron provides nutrition to neuron and play a role as it helps function of neuron. So the function of neuron changes as which glia cell play a role.
A brain cell is called that consists of two different kinds. One-thousand 'neuron(nerve cell)', and 'glia cell(spongiocyte)' which provides nutrition to nerve cell and helps it to play a its own role.
Neuron consists of 'soma' which a cell nucleus is in, 'dendrite' which puts out two thousand to two hundred thousand branches from a cell body, and 'axon' which seems like a long raceway - it consists of three parts.
Figuratively speaking, if a soccer ball in the soccer field is a cell body, then it is 'dendrite' that puts out its two thousand to two hundred thousand branches to the edge of the field, and you can see it as 'axon' which seems like a tube wire line of 2~3 km. One nerve cell connects with several thousand to two hundred thousand different nerve cells, but the connector that is called synapse is created and destroyed very quickly by experience and study. Spongiocyte(glia cell) which has nerves 10times more than neuron provides nutrition to neuron and play a role as it helps function of neuron. So the function of neuron changes as which glia cell play a role.
2011년 4월 8일 금요일
American school diet caused to lose fat broadly~!!
Hatch Elementary Schoolers in CA sing a song like this.
Earth made my lunch.
Thanks to earth for making my sandwich and salad~
Children's lunch is a health food diet made of vegetalbes and fruits that they grew at vegetalbe garden around the school. It changed from the past that students substituted lunch for pizza, hamburger, chicken nugget, and french-fried potatoes.
American schools announced 'the war against with fast food', and setting out changing lunch menu of school restaurant. According to NY Times, 17% of american children is in fatness now. Experts warn that "if it goes through this trend, 30~40% of children will be caught a diabetes when they become a man.
Grady High School in Atlanta made menus like tofu burger and veggie burger newly following to the student leader who is vegetarian. Abington schools in NY made 'No Junk Food Week' , the schools of Arkansas included the science of nutrition into curriculum of science and math. The schools of Santa Monica in CA is required to install a salad bar in school restaurant.
Daniel Hollar who has consulted with school lunch said "teaching with properties of health one by one is effective" while saying "children don't eat any foods unconditionally even if the foods are on their dishes." For example, as in order of 'broccoli for January, and tomato for February', and lecture with deciding the subject one by one and eat them together.
'Lunch revolution' was supported by legislation even at assembly. ByAmended National School Lunch Art, each school which supported by Federal Government should report their diet plan from thie semester.
Earth made my lunch.
Thanks to earth for making my sandwich and salad~
Children's lunch is a health food diet made of vegetalbes and fruits that they grew at vegetalbe garden around the school. It changed from the past that students substituted lunch for pizza, hamburger, chicken nugget, and french-fried potatoes.
American schools announced 'the war against with fast food', and setting out changing lunch menu of school restaurant. According to NY Times, 17% of american children is in fatness now. Experts warn that "if it goes through this trend, 30~40% of children will be caught a diabetes when they become a man.
Grady High School in Atlanta made menus like tofu burger and veggie burger newly following to the student leader who is vegetarian. Abington schools in NY made 'No Junk Food Week' , the schools of Arkansas included the science of nutrition into curriculum of science and math. The schools of Santa Monica in CA is required to install a salad bar in school restaurant.
Daniel Hollar who has consulted with school lunch said "teaching with properties of health one by one is effective" while saying "children don't eat any foods unconditionally even if the foods are on their dishes." For example, as in order of 'broccoli for January, and tomato for February', and lecture with deciding the subject one by one and eat them together.
'Lunch revolution' was supported by legislation even at assembly. ByAmended National School Lunch Art, each school which supported by Federal Government should report their diet plan from thie semester.
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